Discoverer is a database querying tool used for operational reporting from Imperial College Information Systems (ICIS). The tool allows the production of regular and ad hoc spreadsheet reporting with user friendly tools. The advantage of Discoverer is that you do not need to have a technical background or knowledge of underlying database structures. Discoverer uses icons, wizards and menus similar to those in Excel to enable you to design and run your own reports. It is one of several tools that can be used to access reporting in ICIS and you can find out more about these on the ICIS area of the website.
Please make sure you enter the login details as shown below when you log in to Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Viewer.
Can I get access to Discoverer?
Access to Discoverer is based upon job role and permission is required from the data owners. The sections of ICIS that you can report on will depend upon the responsibilities you hold in the underlying system. If you require access to further ICIS responsibilities, go to Request access to ICIS modules.
Discoverer Viewer access enables you to view and access reports, whilst Discoverer Plus access enables you to produce and share them. To request access, contact the ICT Service Desk.
Need help?
- Find out more about reporting tools for ICIS and Discoverer Additional Features
- Access the Discoverer User Guide or Quick Start to Discoverer Reports
- Contact the ICT Service Desk for help with technical problems (such as system error messages) related to accessing or using this system.